After seeing the cool fashion poster put up in studio, I decided to spend some time looking up avant garde clothing for inspiration. As a huge project runway fan/creator of my own duct tape prom dress, I was VERY excited to be looking up this kind of stuff. I find that each of these designs manipulate the fabric in very different, interesting ways. Although none of the scheme 1/2 trials I just posted are inspired by these images, I hope to use them further along in the design process and tomorrow when I actually start working with fabric.
My favorites so far are the top right and the second on the bottom row on the first set. The orange dress on the second set of images intrigues me a lot as well. I also enjoy the bulky forms on all of the dresses on the third set of images...they remind me of a Lady Gaga costume I made for myself in high school. BUT they also look very architectural to me. All in all, they are all unique in their own way and express different types of manipulations of the fabric. Hopefully they can help me out creatively if I get stuck.
wow... these are cool. the ones made with black fabric (second image) are very suggestive... and, yeah, very architectural...