Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Plan // Section // Elevation ideas

Through the following quick drawdels I explored different spatial opportunities within my design. They are inspired by my sectional exploration drawdels that I previously posted. The first set focused on section, but any of them can be turned into a plan instead. Vice versa with the second set. The third set explores how my solid-looking cube will be supported on the ground; these are elevations.

As of right now, the exterior of this cube is almost identical to the existing building on the site. At first I was against creating something that looked so similar from the exterior. Now I have warmed up to the idea...I feel that because the two have the same intentions and basic program, they should seem somewhat equal. I am not saying that my design will be just as great as the existing building, but that visitors should find the experience of each to be similar, as this project involves creating an addition. The interior of my version will be drastically different, and I intend to make my structure different as well.

My next steps will be to create a defined set of plans/sections/axons/etc. I am hoping to complete this (and post it to my blog) as soon as possible so that I can begin my final set of drawings for Friday.


  1. i saw these yesterday when i stopped in by studio, they look fantastic...! oh the possibilities...! (so, where are you at now?)

  2. I took elements from a few of my favorites to come up with a more final set of plans and sections. Finished my first large sheet for tomorrow but still trying to figure out exactly what I want to show on the second. I keep changing my mind.

  3. what do the castings look like?
